Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mt Major

 I seem to be getting the hang of this snowshoeing thing! Another banner day on the books. Robin and I hiked Mt Major up and down the Brook Trail. Trail had been broken out which made it easy going.

Strava Activity

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Trail breaking at Kingman Farm

 Some teammates and I headed out to Kingman Farm in Madbury today to break trail before the Kingman Farm Snowshoe Race this weekend hosted by acidotic RACING. Let me just say this, snowshoeing is hard work! I played caboose the entire time so I actually had the easiest job.. just continuing to flatten out the trail that those ahead of me broke out. I was able to get some cool pictures though being in that position. The cool thing about this race? Not only are they racing in snowshoes, they're racing at night by headlamp!

Strava Activity

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mt Chocorua

"The only thing to fear is fear itself" and "it's not the mountain we must conquer but ourselves" couldn't be more true statements for me today. Bucket list item to hike Mt Chocorua was checked off with the help of my trail saint Robin. We hiked the Hammond Trail to Liberty Trail. While Mt Whiteface was my first really long Winter hike, this was my first really long Winter hike on snowshoes. I was OK until the last half mile beyond the Jim Liberty Cabin. The fear set in as we climbed the cone. I felt like every step was so critical because if the snowshoe slipped I'd be off the mountain in no time with no trees or anything to grab onto on my way down. It was a real mental battle to make it up, but I did it and I'm really proud of myself! The views at the top were unbelievable. We were blessed with bluebird skies. Coming down off the cone was another feat unto itself. I was completely frozen with fear! We did some butt sliding down the initial descent and I was deathly afraid I'd not be able to stop sliding! I only fell once thank goodness, and it was once we were off the cone. Even then, I fell off the trail and the deep snow proved a challenge to get myself back up. Winter hiking is no joke! It was definitely eye opening to make sure you are prepared for any circumstances. As is the case with most hikes like this, once it was done I could look back and feel a sense of accomplishment. I felt on top of the world today!

Strava Activity