Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Piper & Swett Mountains

Today I did some more redlining in the Belknap Range. I headed up Piper Mountain Trail, which I've done before but this time continued over the entire summit of North & South Piper and over to Swett Mountain. What a hidden gem. Piper Mountain is a nice moderate to steep little climb. It was a gorgeous bluebird day. I absolutely love the Piper summit and how expansive it is. I followed the trail over to the South Peak and past the turnoff to Whiteface continuing onto the Vista Trail. Coming down off Piper was an unexpected amazing view. Someone has a bench and firepit set up. It's a pretty steep climb down slab, but the views are just breathtaking. At the bottom I picked up Swett Mountain Trail which was much more lightly traveled, but still relatively easy to follow. A much more gentle hike over to the summit of Swett Mountain. It was humid today and lived up to its name! Much less expansive views, mainly back over the Belknaps. I retraced my steps back up the slabs to Piper Mountain. Started down the trail to Whiteface but changed my mind without knowing how far it was and starting to feel a bit tired. Headed back up Piper and down to my car. 

Strava Activity

first views heading up Piper Mountain Trail

views from Piper North

heading over to Piper South

coming down off Piper South

Swett Mountain straight ahead

much steeper than it looks

Swett Mountain summit

heading back up to Piper

back down Piper Mountain Trail

Friday, June 5, 2015

Mt Israel

Mt Israel today for the NH 52 With a View list. I'm grateful for all these lists, as it introduces me to trails and mountains that I'd otherwise know nothing about. I did an out and back on the Wentworth Trail, which packs a nice little punch but with massive reward. It was an overcast day, but that just made the colors of the view pop even more. The trail starts behind the Mead Base Conservation Center and begins moderately. I had read quite a few reports that make it seem this trail is always a little damp. It was a little wetter than I anticipated, but nothing crazy. Just had to watch out on some of the mossy rocks as it was a little slippery. It gets rather technical with some boulders as you climb. You get a peek at the view just at a time when you need the reminder of why we do this. Once you reach the ridge it levels out and you pass through some lovely forest with pine footing before reaching slabs and then the views just open up in front of you. This was one of my favorite views yet of all the hikes I have done. I didn't want to leave the summit. I had it to myself which made it even more special. It started to rain slightly as I headed back down and I passed a crew who were doing some trail maintenance. This is a must do hike. 

Strava Activity