Saturday, September 8, 2018

Bald Mountain - Deer Valley

 I flew out to Salt Lake City, and drove to Park City to meet up with my husband after he had a work conference all week to spend the weekend celebrating our 22nd anniversary! Our first full day we headed over to Deer Valley so he could try some downhill mountain biking. I decided to hike Bald Mountain. Having only been at elevation for just over 24 hours and having lost a lot of my hiking fitness over the past 12 months, I decided to go easy on myself and took the chairlift up with him and hike down. I did this twice. We took the Sterling Express and took a few pictures from the top of the chairlift before he took off on his bike. I did a quick little up and down to the actual summit of Bald Mountain before picking up the Ontario Trail to hike back down. The trails over here are very different than what we have in the White Mountains. Smooth footing makes for easy going, it's just the elevation you have to contend with at just over 9000ft, which thankfully didn't give me too many problems. The views were incredible. It was a beautiful day and I just kept stopping and taking it all in. I could have taken a million pictures. The Ontario Trail was about 2.6 miles down. I then rode the chairlift back up and took the Silver Lake Trail down. This one was just about 2 miles down, a little steeper in places, but still relatively easy going. These were some of the most spectacular views I've ever seen!

Strava Activity - Ontario Trail

Strava Activity - Silver Lake Trail

Sterling Express Chairlift

Bald Mountain Summit

Ontario Trail first

back up and now down Silver Lake Trail