Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Parker Mountain

A couple of weeks after spraining my ankle, and for the first time without my husband, the kids and I headed over to Parker Mountain. Strafford's high point, and decided to check it out. We were immediately greeted by what I considered a ridiculously steep little section of crumbled rock.. not so great on the injured ankle, but I took it slow.  We made it to the summit cairn and ventured on past as I had heard there was a nice viewpoint over Bow Lake. Without really knowing how far it was, and starting to feel my ankle telling me to stop, we made it as far as the very first peek-a-boo view before heading back down. A successful lesson in learning I can do this without another adult!


summit cairn

As far as we made it on the trail before turning back

Attempting to show the "steepness" of the first/last 0.4 miles

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