Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pack Monadnock

As "Team Photographer" for acidotic RACING, I have loved attending a variety of different events which have taken me all around New England. This year, my husband is participating in the USATF Mountain Goat Series.. which means if he completes 6 out of 7 races in the series, he automatically qualifies for entry into the Mt Washington Road Race. Usually I don't make the summit on these races as I'm standing around somewhere else waiting to cheer everyone on.. for Pack Monadnock, the race consists of 8 and a bit miles of road running, and then the final 1 and a bit miles up the auto road of Miller State Park to the summit. They do not allow cars up the auto road during this time. I decided I would make my way up to the finish line to cheer everyone on.. there are a number of trails one can take to the summit, which I would have preferred, however I was concerned knowing some of the runners are really quite fast.. and I'm really not.. that I would not make it in time to see them finish and subsequently take their pictures.. so I opted to hike up the auto road too, therefore if they beat me, I could at least still take their pictures from wherever I happened to be. Thankfully I made it before the winners, and even had some time to climb the fire tower and take a few view shots! That last little section of road is quite a killer.. I cannot imagine how that must feel after 9.5 miles.

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