Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Flume Gorge

 I've seen so many articles and pictures of the Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch State Park, I decided today we'd go check it out. Bonus there are 2 registered covered bridges within the park that I could grab pictures of for my collection as well. We followed the 2 mile walking path around the perimeter of the park starting on the Flume Path, turning onto Ridge Path, then Wildwood Path back to the Visitors Center. The path is mostly hard packed dirt, smooth footing with some wooden walkway mixed in. Super pretty area, we really enjoyed it. I can imagine in Spring with snow melt and the water flowing it must be pretty spectacular. In Winter with everything frozen must be pretty special too. 

Strava Activity

Great Boulder

Flume Covered Bridge

Table Rock

Avalanche Falls

Cascade Falls

The Pool

Sentinel Pine Covered Bridge

view from the middle of the bridge

Wolfs Den

Liberty & Flume from the park

Liberty, Flume and Whaleback from the Visitors Center

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