Friday, September 25, 2015

Little Blue Job Sunset

 All Summer I've been talking about wanting to do a sunset hike. Today while my husband and eldest were at football practice, the youngest and I finally checked that bucket list item off my list. We just hiked to Little Blue Job, which is a nice and easy 0.8 or so miles. Ease into the night hiking with an easy one. We had headlamps and flashlights, which was all the motivation Cameron needed to go! We were rewarded with a beautiful sky. Highly recommend. 

Strava Activity

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Doublehead and Squam (Maybe)

I've seen conflicting reports about where the true summit of Mt Squam is, so I'm not sure if I can call that one done, if not, I got close! I started at the trailhead on Holderness Road, walked down Thompson Road which was easy going, then turned onto Doublehead Trail. It starts gradually and gets steeper. The views from the ledges about 0.2 miles below the summit were awesome! Crawford Ridgepole Trail between the 2 summits was a bit more technical with lots of ups and downs and a few rock scrambles. Just below what I believed to be the summit, if you veer off trail just slightly there are some great views behind you over towards the Whites. I retraced my steps back to Doublehead Trail from Squam and back to the car. I worked for that one, but the views were well worth it!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Big Rock Cave

 Today's adventure had me in Tamworth and exploring the Mt Mexico/Big Rock Cave area. I parked at the Cabin Trailhead on Rt 113A and started up Cabin Trail. The trail was damp/wet/muddy most of the way. A couple tenths down Cabin Trail, I turned onto Big Rock Cave Trail and followed that up and over Mt Mexico. The trail just skirts the true summit, which is wooded. Big Rock Cave was cool, though due to a phobia of dark spaces, I didn't explore in the cave itself, just looked a little bit around. I turned left onto Whitin Brook Trail. There is no signage at the intersection of Big Rock Cave Trail and Whitin Brook Trail. As soon as you cross the brook for the 1st time (coming from Big Rock Cave itself) there is a 4 way intersection with signs pointing out Mt Paugus and Big Rock Cave. The trail intersecting this is Whitin Brook Trail. Take a left to head back to Cabin Trail or take a right to head towards Bickford Trail. There were several blow downs on Whitin Brook Trail, which were easy enough to step over, 3 I had to duck under. There was a short steep climb just before the Cabin Trail intersection. I completed the loop returning on Cabin Trail. 1 huge blow down on Cabin Trail that I had to bushwhack around (easy enough). Lots of trails in this area to explore. 

Strava Activity

near the summit of Mt Mexico

heading off Mt Mexico, my favorite kind of trail

Big Rock Cave

the biggest mushroom I've ever seen on Big Rock Cave Trail

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Parker Mountain

 Back at my go to.. Parker Mountain. Today though, I explored the Boy Scout Trail that begins a tenth of a mile down the road from the main trail. It was definitely much less lightly traveled, but still easy to follow. I picked up Link Trail which turns off 0.6 miles in and climbs rather steeply up the side of Parker Mountain popping out on the main trail at some open ledges just under half a mile below the summit. I headed out to the view and back, returning to my car via Spencer Smith Trail (the main trail). This gives some nice loop options instead of always taking the same path!

Strava Activity

Friday, September 4, 2015

Mt Osceola

Time for another 4K, which also doubles on the NH Fire Tower list. Aidan's second and Cameron's first 4K. The boys did great, they cruise up and down these trails like it's the easiest thing they've ever done! We did an out and back from Tripoli Road on the Mt Osceola Trail. This one is pretty straightforward, on the "easier" side of 4000 footers. Some rocks and roots as to be expected. The views from the top are outstanding. It was pretty busy on the summit today since it was such a bluebird day as well as being Labor Day weekend.. and it was hot, so we found a little shaded section off to the side and sat and ate some lunch before heading back down. 

Strava Activity