Thursday, September 24, 2015

Doublehead and Squam (Maybe)

I've seen conflicting reports about where the true summit of Mt Squam is, so I'm not sure if I can call that one done, if not, I got close! I started at the trailhead on Holderness Road, walked down Thompson Road which was easy going, then turned onto Doublehead Trail. It starts gradually and gets steeper. The views from the ledges about 0.2 miles below the summit were awesome! Crawford Ridgepole Trail between the 2 summits was a bit more technical with lots of ups and downs and a few rock scrambles. Just below what I believed to be the summit, if you veer off trail just slightly there are some great views behind you over towards the Whites. I retraced my steps back to Doublehead Trail from Squam and back to the car. I worked for that one, but the views were well worth it!

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