Sunday, September 1, 2013

Teneriffe Mountain

So Teneriffe Mountain had eluded me the first time I had attempted it.. which is pretty silly considering it's a 1080ft peak. I followed the directions I had read about online, found the kiosk, signed the register.. walked the trails.. only to discover it was a small network of trails across the street from the actual summit. I was with the kids, they weren't interested in pursuing the actual summit, so I called it a day and put it on the to-do list.

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and my husband and I headed out to check this one off my list. We parked in the same spot and headed down the driveway I had read about. Just before reaching the private residence we found the very faint herd path that leads about 5 minutes up to the summit. Not much to see, and no artifacts left standing from the fire tower, but we went.. we saw.. we left.


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