Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mt Major & Straightback

Today was another incredibly gorgeous day. I could not let this one slip by without getting out on the trails. The tough thing with redlining is there are so many little bits and pieces you have to fill in to complete the process. This sometimes means repeating peaks and places. On a day like today, that was just fine with me. I headed out solo with the plan of completing 2 trails and exploring 2 new trails (new to me). I parked in the Mt Major parking lot, expecting it to be busy. I got in early enough that there were only a dozen or so cars already there. I geared up and headed for the Boulder Trail. Everyone else was heading for the Mt Major Trail. About 0.35 miles in and I took my first new trail, the Jesus Valley Beaver Pond Trail. Quite a name. Essentially a snowmobile trail, the first 1.75 miles was relatively flat, or rolling at best. Some muddy areas, but I was able to navigate around without getting my feet wet. I knew there was a beaver pond along this route, but had no idea it would be as pretty a spot as it was. I had to stop for a few moments and soak it in. Knowing the other trails were filled with people, I luxuriated in the solitude of being here alone. This was the beginning of the day however so I didn't stay too long. I passed the intersection with the link to Jesus Valley Road and saw a snowmobile sign claiming "steep and rocky" with an arrow to Mt Major. Knowing it was a snowmobile trail the entire way, I wasn't too concerned, although I had read the footing was a little difficult at times due to erosion. The worst part was all the dry leaves, not knowing if I was stepping on a rock, or in a hole.. I took my time (I needed to, it really was steep!). At the intersection with Straightback Mountain Trail I stayed on Jesus Valley Beaver Pond Trail up towards Mt Major. I reached the open ledges, which has always been terrain I enjoy.. this was no exception. I didn't need to go to Mt Major having been there several times before, but it was too beautiful a day not to. Already busy, I quickly took some pictures, successfully avoiding any of the other people in my shots! Had a quick snack and headed back down the Brook Trail. I was a bit nervous about the next one. Mostly because I have been on the Brook Trail several times and had never noticed the intersection with the North Straightback Link.. even though I had intended to take it at least twice before! This time I had read a few trip reports from other hikers and thought I had a good idea of where it started. Sure enough, I reached the point I had in my mind, and there was a faint green blaze on a fallen over tree! I took the turn and a few hundred yards down there was a line of green blazes! I had found it finally! So onto my next concern, I had just read another hikers report about the steepness of this little trail. It is only 0.5 miles long so I kept telling myself, "just take your time, it's only half a mile".. thank goodness for that! Straight up. Just straight up! That's the only way I can describe this trail. I watched my Suunto tick away the tenths very slowly but finally made it to the intersection with the Quarry Trail. Home stretch now as far as climbing went. I took a deep breath, turned around and enjoyed the views back over to Major and was able to relax a little more and enjoy the remainder of the hike! I needed that little stretch of the Quarry Trail between North Straightback Mountain and the Anna-Straightback Link, so checked that off my list and headed for the South Straightback summit. There was a family camped out on the rock with the summit sign, so I took a quick picture and kept on going down the Straightback Mountain Trail. Having just been on that summit a couple of weeks ago, I didn't feel the need to stop anyway. The views from some of these trails are just beautiful and so much less traveled than the main trails to Mt Major. That is what is so great about this network in the Belknaps. I made it down the Straightback Mountain Trail to Jesus Valley Beaver Pond Trail and headed back for the car. One little slide on the dry leaves, but no harm, no foul. I passed 1 other girl hiking with her dog. So apart from the folks on Mt Major, in 5.5 hours and 8 miles I only passed 2 hiking parties. That is pretty great!

Strava Activity

Start of the Boulder Trail from the parking lot

looking down the Jesus Valley Beaver Pond Trail

the Beaver Pond

Jesus Valley Beaver Pond Trail

almost to the top of Jesus Valley Beaver Pond Trail

looking back down where I had come from

approaching Mt Major on the Brook Trail

Mt Major summit

that's where I'm headed next

start of the North Straightback Link Trail

after being hesitant, feeling confident.. there's some more blazes

and a sign.. we're good to go

trying to capture the steepness.. this doesn't do it justice

I'm heading up this

pretty happy to make it up to here.. top of the North Straightback Link Trail

intersection with the Quarry Trail and Straightback Mountain summit

looking back at the intersection with North Straightback Link Trail

passing the Quarry Spur Trail intersection

looking ahead on the Quarry Trail

back over to Mt Major, that's where I was

Intersection of Quarry Trail and Anna-Straightback Link Trail

Straightback South summit

heading down the Straightback Mountain Trail

looking back up what I had just come down on the Straightback Mountain Trail

intersection with Blueberry Pasture Trail

 heading down the Straightback Mountain Trail

intersection with Jesus Valley Beaver Pond Trail

and back to the Boulder Trail to the car

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