Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Round Pond and Redlining

I haven't been able to get out hiking as much as I'd like so far and the kids Summer vacation is fast approaching. As I had set myself the goal of completing the "Redlining Patch" before school ended, I need to get into gear and get on the trails. I was saddened to learn that the Valley View Trail on Piper Mountain has been closed. I had put off this trail as it is/was a rather steep rockslide, and I didn't want to really go by myself.. the days I had a hiking buddy it hadn't necessarily been the right conditions or we had other plans, one reason or another. Once I learned that closure was possible I had tentatively set aside a date I was going to get out and tackle it.. and wouldn't you know it, they closed it down the day BEFORE my planned date. The BRATTS folks have adjusted the patch to now not include this trail, but I'm bummed as I wanted to be one of the one's who got the patch including Valley View. Alas, it wasn't to be.. so today, I set out with the goal of not actually summiting any mountains, but working on filling in some blanks around the Round Pond area. I parked in the parking area on Wood Road, which I had never been to before. Easier than I had thought and well marked trailhead. My goal today was to take the East Gilford Fire Road to Round Pond Trail and Round Pond. Once I reached the Klem-Mack Loop Trail I would U-turn and head back the way I came, however this time I would continue on Round Pond-Piper Link Trail to Boulder Trail. Boulder Trail is rock slide, though only 0.4 miles long. I had only heard how fun this one was, so I was excited to check it out. At the top of Boulder Trail I would head back down the East Gilford Trail to the car. I started out and was immediately surprised at how "steep" the Fire Road was. I wasn't ready for that on this humid day and it took me longer than I had thought. Once on Round Pond Trail it got quite buggy and I could feel the "buggars"  biting me even through my clothing and with bug spray on. The only thing I hate about this time of year. At the intersection of Round Pond Trail and Round Pond-Piper Link I met up with 4 really nice ladies who were also out redlining. We chatted for a moment, then realized we were actually headed in the same direction, so I hiked with them for about 0.5 miles. We stopped for some pictures at Round Pond before continuing around to the Klem-Mack Loop intersection. They were headed up to Klem and Mack whereas I was heading back the way we had come. There was an abundance of ladyslipper flowers at this intersection, so after admiring and taking pictures we parted ways and continued our hikes. Meeting up with the ladies came at just the right time for me, I was hot, getting annoyed by the bugs and hadn't been ready for that Fire Road ascent. The distraction rejuvenated me and I headed back with renewed energy. The Round Pond-Piper Link trail was great. Relatively flat, I was able to move at a good pace and made it to the Boulder Trail in what felt like no time. The Boulder Trail certainly lives up to its name for a brief stretch. But everyone was right, it was fun. I took my time and chose my steps carefully. As I moved up the trail I started to get some gorgeous views which I had not expected on a day with no summiting. By the time I reached the top of the "boulder" section of the trail and started up what seemed like never ending rock ledge, the views were incredible. I must have stopped every 5 feet to turn around and admire what was before me. Finally, I reached the intersection with the East Gilford Trail and headed back on down. Again, I was not expecting such a steep trail. Sometimes going down a steep trail is just as difficult as going up! This was rock ledge to start off with, with some loose pine needles and lichen. Even in the woods, the trail was quite a bit steeper than I had anticipated and with the leaves and pine needles, I had to slow down quite a bit to watch my footing. Once back at the Round Pond intersection, I couldn't remember if my future planned hikes had included the section between my current spot and back to the Fire Road. Without knowing exactly how far it was, I took a chance and headed onto this little section just to check it off the list. It only ended up being about 0.3 miles (0.6 out and back) and thankfully was a pretty easy section of trail. Back on East Gilford Trail I headed back to the car finishing up another great day of redlining and already anxious to get back out. I'm only 8.2 miles away from completing the whole map. Of course I will have to hike more than that to finish those miles as they are in the middle of trails. But that's OK. The Belknaps are an amazing place to spend any amount of time. I have 3 hikes mapped out to do which will complete my journey. Now to get them done in the next 2 weeks before school is out!

Strava Activity

I'm taking the Fire Road out, I'll come back the East Gilford Trail

Fire Road was a bit steeper than I had anticipated!

views along the Fire Road thanks to some logging

intersection of Fire Road and Round Pond Trail

Round Pond from the other side this time

some lady slippers at the Klem-Mack Loop trailhead

more views of Round Pond

Round Pond-Piper Link Trail is wonderful

one last glance at Round Pond before heading back into the woods

intersection of Round Pond-Piper Link Trail with Round Pond Trail

Round Pond-Piper Link Trail

intersection of Round Pond-Piper Link Trail and Boulder Trail

definitely well marked

heading up the Boulder Trail

guess this is why it's called Boulder Trail

the "real" boulders along Boulder Trail

trying to show the steepness.. it was fun

looking back down where I had come from

views along Boulder Trail

still heading up (but looking down)

still trying to show how steep it is.. looking down Boulder Trail

looking down Boulder Trail as I head up

Now looking up at what is ahead of me

top of the boulder field and you're on granite ledge with these wonderful views

intersection of Boulder Trail and East Gilford Trail

intersection of East Gilford Trail and Round Pond Trail

Round Pond Trail

intersection of Round Pond Trail and East Gilford Trail.

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