Saturday, October 17, 2020

Joe English Hill

 We had 24 hours of much needed rain. I know we need it, but I have really been enjoying the dry trails! I took the morning off to let the rain subside, then headed out with Mr 14 for a short jaunt up to a summit on the NH Fire Tower list. With snow and ice already hitting the northern (and even some western) summits now, I have to be mindful about where I am going. I have Winter hiked before and do plan on continuing this year, just wasn't quite mentally ready yet to do so. Joe English Hill is in New Boston (New Boston's high point in fact). Most trip reports I have seen started out from the cul de sac on Summit Drive, so we did the same. There is enough space for 3 or 4 cars without blocking any of the driveways or road. A lovely pond abuts the cul de sac, and with the post rain light and fading Fall colors, it was a lovely place to start. The air was crisp and clean. The trail starts up a private driveway and in about 0.1 miles veers to the left. There was a large flat boulder at the intersection. From here the trail becomes rocky and starts to climb gently. In another 0.2 miles or so, you intersect the driveway again, this time above the house. Here there are piles of pallets and some other industrial type equipment. Follow the road to the left. There were lots of side paths/roads going off all over the place but just stay straight on the "main road". Eventually the road peters out and you reach some slab areas. Those were wet for us today, but we were able to walk over them without incident. After the slab, the trail is more of an actual trail and weaves up and around in beautiful forest. I don't know if we just lucked out with the crispness and glowing light, but it was just so pretty, I had to keep stopping and just looking around. The woods are open and you can see peeks through to the surrounding areas. The path is pine needle, my favorite kind to walk on. Eventually you reach an area with a cairn and many paths going off in all directions. We took a couple and enjoyed some open areas. There were some elaborate firepits up there too. I imagine this would be a wonderful place to sit and watch the sunset with a cozy fire. There is even an area set up with adirondack chairs and information about viewing raptor migration. It really was a hidden gem. The good thing too, without an actual blazed trail and parking, I imagine it's much quieter than other areas that see an abundance of traffic. We saw 2 fellow walkers out with their dogs, but that was it. A practically perfect afternoon. 

Strava Activity

Private driveway where trail starts

Pretty pond alongside cul de sac

Beautiful open woods approaching the summit

One of the firepits on a spur path off the summit

Raptor migration viewing information

Firepit and chair at the raptor migration viewing area

Adirondacks at the raptor migration viewing area

Firepit and view from the raptor migration viewing area

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