Saturday, December 12, 2020

Plymouth Mountain

 It's been a few weeks since I've hiked an actual mountain, and it's been a few years since I've hiked a mountain with snow. Checked both those boxes today. Temperatures this weekend were forecast to be on the warmer side of cold, and I was inspired by a post in a Facebook group I saw of a fellow hiker who said he was able to reach the summit without any traction. I headed out for Plymouth Mountain with all my Winter gear in check. My biggest challenge is clothing. I get hot and sweaty, which then makes my clothing damp, which then makes me cold.. repeat. So, I'm navigating through how to dress appropriately and thought today without subzero temps would be a good practice run. I opted for the Fauver Link and Sutherland Trails to the top, as these are supposedly the more well traveled trails. There is a parking area on Old Hebron Road in Plymouth with ample parking for several cars. There is a kiosk a few hundred yards in from the trailhead with a caution sign about the ledges above Pikes Peak on the way to the summit being dangerous if icy or wet. This had me a little nervous, but I figured I'd go as far as I felt safe, and if I had to turn around, I would. Within the first half mile, I had to stop several times to adjust my layers, but finally found a happy place that got me to the summit. The trail started out with a very light dusting of snow in some places, and in others was completely bare with no sign of Winter. Right at 1 mile however, that changed to an almost complete snow cover of about an inch and as I worked my way up the snow deepened to roughly 2-4 inches. There was a well worn foot bed, and the trail is well blazed, so I had no issues with navigation, and I was easily able to reach the view ledges of Pikes Peak without traction. The trail itself is relatively moderate for a 2K+ mountain, however my lack of mountain climbing over the past couple of weeks, coupled with heavier footwear and pack and I was gassed! I need to work on my Winter fitness, that was obvious. At about 2 miles you reach the intersection for the Pikes Peak view ledge and the trail to the summit. Around this area, the trees became a really pretty pine forest which the snow just made feel rather magical! I had to stop and just look around a couple times, it felt so peaceful. The view ledge is a short distance from the intersection and has a distant view over to the Franconia Notch area. I couldn't see a lot as there was incoming weather and the cloud cover was low. However it was a pretty spot to stop for a snack and add a layer. I headed on towards the summit and wondered what lay ahead. The trail is described as rugged. The only real difficulty I found was some of the slabs were quite steep, and with the snow it made it quite slippery. Thankfully in most cases there were sturdy trees I was able to grab onto and pull myself up. One time I got a little way up before sliding (ie tumbling and rolling) all the way back down! That must have been a sight! No damage as thankfully snow is soft. I ended up having to crawl on my hands and knees to make it up that one. Several I just opted to butt slide down as well. Easier and safer than trying to jump or walk down. That 0.4 section is definitely an adventure, I am curious to come back and see what it's like without snow! I had initially had thoughts of taking the spur to the East Cliffs viewpoint, but after the adventure getting that far and the incoming weather seemingly closer than forecast, I opted to do that next time. I read the views from the East Cliffs are far superior to Pikes Peak, so another distant thought in bypassing this time was to wait for a clearer day to enjoy said views! I eventually made it to the summit, which is wooded, however there is a sign marking the top. Soon after I arrived, a couple came up behind me. The first people I had seen all day. I did end up seeing 2 other parties on my descent. I was surprised as I had read how quiet this mountain usually is! I put on Microspikes for the descent, and that definitely made the initial 0.4 back to the Pikes Peak junction much easier. I kept them on to close to the snow line and was able to make easy work of the downs making it back to the car a mere 10 minutes before it started raining. 

Strava Activity

This one was high up!

at the 1 mile mark looking at the snow

same spot facing the other direction!

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