Friday, January 1, 2021

Whitten Woods

 Happy New Year! I think everyone is glad to see the end of 2020. Me personally? While there were some definite lows and heartache in 2020, I'm actually grateful that I had the opportunity to slow down and rediscover my love of hiking. I don't plan on stopping any time soon. Today was a bluebird day. My husband and I headed to Ashland, NH to explore the Whitten Woods area for the AMC South Redlining spreadsheet. There is a small parking area on Highland Street, and we grabbed the last spot. Still full when we returned, though we didn't really see anyone until our last half mile out. There are 3 trails broken down by color, Red, Blue for the North Peak loop and Green for the South Peak out and back. All up, it was 3.5 miles. The trail was a mix of bare ground and snow/ice. We wore spikes the whole time just to be safe. We took the North Peak loop counter-clockwise, going up the steeper section and down the longer, more gradual side. There is a lovely outlook on the way where trees have been cleared and you can see out over Squam Lake. The actual summit is marked with a cairn, but is wooded. There was a lot more snow cover on the way down, but our spikes were sufficient to keep us from slipping and sliding. The South Peak out and back is a short and moderately steep walk up a wide trail leading to a small cleared area with a picnic table with more views to Squam Lake. Definitely would be a nice spot to bring a picnic and enjoy when the weather is warmer!

Strava Activity

Trail entrance at parking on Highland St

Heading up the Red Trail

Intersection of Red/Blue/Green trails

Beginning of North Peak loop

view on the way up to North Peak

North Peak summit

view from South Peak summit

South Peak summit

one last view from South Peak summit

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