Saturday, April 10, 2021

Bradford Bog

 While driving home from Skatutakee Mountain, I saw a sign for an exit to Bradford and casually mentioned in passing to Laura that there was a little 0.5 mile trail I needed to come grab for redlining in Bradford. She, being the most awesome person she is, said "let's go"! I quickly looked up the address and we headed for Bradford Bog. Having not read anything about it, I had no idea what we were getting into, other than it was very short! Initially we had a hard time finding the trailhead, we were on the right street, but actually got out and started walking at an area called Bradford Springs.. which of course didn't turn out to be the right place.. eventually we drove a little further down the road and there is an obvious kiosk with Bradford Bog right on it. We parked and headed down. The trail is 0.4 miles long and is a wooden boardwalk the entire way. Passing through areas with certain plants marked with wooden plaques. It is very pretty and thankfully was dry, so the boards weren't slippery. We came to a left turn with a sign marked "Viewing Platform" and headed down that way coming out to an elevated platform that looks over the bog and to the mountains surrounding. It was quite surreal, really felt like Narnia and being in the middle of nowhere. Another girl came along then, so we just turned back and headed for the car. There was a sign at the left hand turn that said "boardwalk not maintained beyond this point". I wasn't sure if I needed that for redlining, so we headed a little way down before it got too wet and muddy.. turns out we didn't need it, but it tacked a little extra on our walk for good measure. Another trail checked off my list. 

Strava Activity

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