Saturday, June 12, 2021

Slim Baker Foundation

 I was so happy to be back hiking with Laura after a few weeks of schedule conflicts with each of us. Initially we had grand plans but at the last minute decided that something a little more low key was in order. After having researched this place last week, I knew it was the ideal spot. The Slim Baker Foundation is in Bristol and is tucked away down New Chester Mountain Road. I was excited when we arrived that we were the only car. Today I wanted solitude. We did end up seeing just a couple people, but it was perfect. I had read a few weeks ago that one of the trails had been closed for logging, the signs were still up but said thru Mid May so we were going to chance it when a state forester arrived and we checked with him. He said the project was complete and the trail was open again. Good news! We geared up and doused in bug spray, it was already very mosquitoey at the parking area and headed off. The Slim Baker Foundation is most known for Inspiration Point, which I wanted to visit last. To redline the area, I had planned essentially 3 loops which would equal just over 3 miles of hiking. We started on New Chester Mountain Road (blue) which descended down to meet up with Cabin Trail (orange), which climbed back up. The trails were in good shape for a not super well traveled area. Well marked with color coded blazes for each trail and signs at all intersections. From Cabin Trail we took Stephens Trail (red) that led us to a nice shelter. The only bummer of the day was it really was quite buggy in the woods, so any stops were brief to try and keep them at bay. From the cabin we jumped on the Greenan Trail (yellow) very briefly before picking up the newest trail in the area Bubbas Loop (purple). This trail, while easy to navigate was definitely the most rustic. Understandably as I believe it's less than a year old. There aren't any views along these trails for the most part, just a lovely meander through the woods. We arrived back at the parking area having completed the outer most loop. We then headed up to the Slim Baker Lodge to start the middle loop, however inadvertently headed onto the inner most loop, which I had wanted to leave for last. I had seen pictures of Inspiration Point online, but Laura had no idea what was up there. Realizing there were no other people there, we decided to just head that way and then figure out how to cover the remainder of the trails. It was beautiful. There is an outdoor church set up with benches and a cross. The logging has created unobstructed views over the village of Bristol and beyond. We had a flawless day as far as views. It was gorgeous. We stopped for quite a while to enjoy the peacefulness and have a snack. I'm so glad we were able to visit this area alone. Just made it that much more special! We headed down the Worthen Trail which is the "easiest" access trail to Inspiration Point. Definitely the best footing, but would be a moderate incline heading up! Back at the parking area again we headed back down Greenan Trail which was where they had done the recent logging to open up the views for Inspiration Point. Thankfully it's a reasonably short section, so while not the most aesthetic, it's not for long. Another highlight we encountered once we had rejoined Stephens Trail was an owl. I'm not sure what kind, but there it was in the tree just looking down at us and singing away. Just completed the hike in a perfect way.  

Strava Activity

recently logged area along Greenan Trail

Slim Baker Lodge

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