Saturday, July 31, 2021

Stratham Hill

 I had a very brief window to play this weekend. I chose to go back to Stratham Hill for the 3rd time to clean up some "hanging chads" as I've learned redliners call those little bits of trail that you need to fill in the whole trail! I had 4 little sections to finish up redlining the entire park as far as the AMC South Trail Guide is concerned. We have had massive amounts of rain lately, so I expected sloshy, muddy trails. Surprisingly, while there was significant mud, it was in small spots and easily avoidable. Again, I found myself unable to navigate without the aid of an online tracker. Even with a pre-planned route and following the tracker, I got onto a couple wrong trails. Only briefly before realizing and turning myself around. I truly don't know how people navigate around there without a map! I parked at the parking area on Jack Rabbit Lane. Headed over to the main pavilion seating area and up Lincoln Trail to Tuck Trail, did a quick down and back on Tuck Trail then followed Lincoln up to the firetower. I'm unable to NOT climb a firetower if I hike near one, so I went up and was rewarded with clear views. I continued to finish the section of Lincoln Trail I needed, then onto Kitty Rock Trail, Tote Road and onto Fire Pit Trail to grab the last bit I needed there. Over to Barker Trail and grabbed that last little bit and then back to the car.  A quick couple miles, but it was good to get out and get some activity in after all the rainy days!

Strava Activity

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