Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sugarloaf Ridge & Hebron Town Forest

 It was rainy and miserable today, but I am not able to hike tomorrow, so today it was. I headed back to Sugarloaf Ridge where Laura and I were last week to finish off the sections I needed for my spreadsheet on the AMC South Trail Guide. Parked at the same parking area and headed out on the same Orange Trail. I started in spikes, but they were catching balled ice and leaves, so I took them off and was able to navigate the remainder of the way carefully in just my boots. This time I stayed on the Orange Trail where Yellow forked off and followed it to its end, marked as Goose Pond-Elwell Link on the LRCT map. There was one large blowdown at a fork towards Goose Pond, which was a walkaround, otherwise the trails were in good shape. There were some other small blowdowns, but they were easy step overs. The trail climbed a little and had some super pretty areas through hemlock forest. At the Elwell Trail intersection, I took a right and headed up a few hundred yards to a super steep cutoff, blazed in yellow down and back to the Orange Trail. I retraced my steps and reconnected with the Green Trail. I was looking for the new White Diamonds marking a new cut of the White Trail, that we had missed last time (taking the old White Trail instead not realizing there was a newer section). I didn't see where it started, so I went back to the old White Trail knowing I had seen where the Diamonds entered in and figured I'd do a loop back and see where it popped out. I stopped at a snowmobile bridge as it looked so pretty with the dusting of snow and some small cascades. Back on the old White Trail and I made my way to where the Diamonds joined and followed them back to the Green Trail. The trail followed the brook for most of the way, which was nice to listen to! Back on Green and it was now obvious where the White Diamonds started.. marked with 2 White Diamonds right on trees! It is right next to the snowmobile bridge, and I had thought started on the other side, so at the time when I initially walked right past I hadn't really been looking for them. Lastly, I did the section of Around the Pond Trail I needed, which was a rolling up and down following the pond and was really quite pretty. Surprisingly I saw no one. I didn't mind the rain, I was able to test out some new waterproof gear I just received as a birthday present! All held up well. 

Strava Activity

blowdown on the Orange Trail

intersection of Orange/Green Trails

Orange Trail 

Intersection of Orange/Yellow Trails

White off Green

Around the Pond Trail

crossing the brook outlet at the bottom of the pond

Goose Pond

Hebron Town Forest - Cockermouth Ledge Trail

Just a few minutes drive down the road is the Hebron Town Forest. I decided to grab the Cockermouth Ledge Trail while I was in the area. Parking is off Groton Road at a signed area. Follow the snowmobile trail over the Cockermouth River and there is a kiosk and new sign in book. The Cockermouth Ledge Trail started off following the river before splitting into 2 loops. The whole area is really pretty, even though I was hiking in low cloud and really had no views of anything. I opted to stay left at the first fork and follow both loops in a clockwise direction. Each loop, but particularly the loop with the 2 marked scenic vistas packed a little punch into them, with a couple short steep pitches, but nothing super technical. I have seen pictures of views overlooking Groton and Hebron from this loop. I was pleasantly surprised with how nice the trails and area were. I'll need to come back and do the longer Bald Knob Trail up to Bald Knob, which I visited over the Summer and fill in the blanks there that I need in the Cockermouth Forest. 

Strava Activity

crossing Cockermouth River to the kiosk

Groton view scenic vista

Hebron view scenic vista

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