Sunday, March 12, 2023

SRKG - Section 5

 I wanted to go back to New London and finish SRKG Section 5, that I turned around early on a couple weeks ago. We have had a late Winter, but also some warmer days, so I had the wild notion that maybe there had been some snow melt in this area. I parked at the Morgan Hill trailhead and planned on taking the Kidder Trail the 1 mile over to where I needed to pick up the SRKG, figuring that would be well broken out as I know it's a relatively popular area for locals. From the parking, the trail was broken and I just wore spikes, but packed my snowshoes. The snow was soft and mashed potatoey (it's a word) but OK in the spikes. What I was not expecting, was when I reached the intersection with Morgan Hill Loop Trail, the trail was unbroken beyond. Everyone had taken the right onto Morgan Hill Loop Trail and Kidder Trail was waiting for my fresh tracks. I donned my snowshoes and set out. Thankfully Kidder Trail is a relatively mild trail with no real elevation gain and the snow was only a few inches deep. There were only a couple spots that caused me trouble.. one was a bridge I couldn't see under the snow and I stepped in the brook instead of on the bridge.. the second was a really big blowdown I had to get on my hands and knees and crawl under. I was hoping that once I reached the end of Kidder Trail, which is a snowmobile trail, it would be broken out. To my surprise it was completely groomed, which was a real treat for the couple tenths needed to reach the SRKG intersection. What I was not expecting (again) was for the SRKG to be broken and I was completely astonished when I reached the intersection and saw a set of snowshoe tracks down the trail. This lifted my spirits considerably and I headed off for the roughly 1 mile I needed to where I turned around previously. Although not packed down, it was definitely easier than breaking trail completely myself. In parts, the snow was knee deep. Honestly I wouldn't have been able to make it far without these tracks. Also for wayfinding, it's so much easier to just follow someone else's tracks! The trail descended at first, joined another snowmobile trail briefly before turning back into the woods. From here it climbed over an unnamed bump, which was a decent little climb. Then descended before climbing again up towards Royal Arch Hill. This climb was pretty steep, although thankfully only a couple tenths. I reached the point I had been at a couple weeks ago and had no gas to take even 1 more step further! I took a quick break before turning around and retracing my steps. The descent on tired legs and in the snow had me tripping many times and 2 face plants later (within a matter of minutes of each other) I was back down and climbing back over the unnamed bump. Looking at the map, I could see the 2 snowmobile trails converged a little ways past where the SRKG turned back into the woods. Honestly, not wanting any more knee deep snow, I bit the bullet and followed the snowmobile trail down to the intersection and back up to Kidder Trail. It was maybe only a tenth or so longer, but so much easier going on the groomed trail. I followed my own tracks on Kidder and made it back to the car in one piece. That completed my journey on the New London Conservation Commission trails list and I've submitted my checklist to receive the patch! Always about the patch!

Strava Activity

Starting at Kidder Trail on Morgan Hill Rd

that was a crawl under scenario

groomed goodness

amazingly not first tracks on SRKG 5

funky little resting spot

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