Saturday, May 27, 2023

SRKG - Section 3

 I have plans for a double header hiking weekend this weekend, so today I wanted something quick and easy. I decided to go back and finish SRKG Section 3, that I did half of several weeks ago. I parked on Deer Hill Road in Springfield. As you turn onto Deer Hill Road there is a trail sign for the Protectworth Trail, and just beyond this on the left is space for a couple of cars. I geared up and headed out. Take a right on Stoney Brook Road, pass under I-89 then follow for about 1.2 miles. You'll pass a little pond on your right with I-89 behind it. The road ascends ever so gently, then descends to the intersection of Hogg Hill Road. I found that the majority of the SRKG blazes were in the opposite direction in this area, however it's not difficult to follow as long as you know which roads you need to turn onto. Take a left on Hogg Hill Road and go up. I wasn't expecting a big hill like that! Kept reminding myself I would be going down on my return ;) At about 2 miles from the car, I turned right onto West Road. I wasn't sure it was right, as I saw no SRKG blazes or a street sign even, but I had a digital download and that's where it went. This was a dirt road for about half a mile, then became a true Class VI road. The trail descends from here and in parts was rough and rocky and wet. After another half mile or a bit more, the Class VI portion ends and it turns back into hard packed dirt road, now North Road. The road descended, then ascended and I reached my turnaround point at Seven Springs Road, where I had reached previously. I about faced and retraced my steps to the car. Section 3 complete. 

Strava Activity

Deer Hill Road, end of Section 3, start of Section 4 of the SRKG

Along Stoney Brook Rd looking at I-89

Left on Hogg Hill Rd

Right on West Road

Continue on the Class VI - first SRKG blaze I'd seen in a while

my turnaround point at Seven Springs Rd

Along North Rd, it looked like an archway!

North Rd end of the Class VI section

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