Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mt Katherine

My parents were getting caught up in the energy that hiking had created in our family! It was a brisk Fall day, but we decided to take a short hike together. My parents are 72 and 67 and it was their first real hike in a very long time. We decided on Mt Katherine in Sandwich. Short and sweet, only about 2.2 miles plus a 0.5 mile road walk from the parking area (each way). There were a lot of fallen leaves on the trail, but we took it slow and had no issues. I would say this isn't a very popular summit, especially considering the parking is primarily used for Whiteface and Passconaway, but we enjoyed our afternoon all the same topped off with some silly selfies at the summit. I am thrilled that my kids get to create some wonderful memories with their grandparents.

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