Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Roaring Falls Race Preview

I'm very lucky to have met some outstanding people as part of acidotic RACING. One of those folks is my good friend Robin. She is an incredible athlete.. having competed in running, cycling, triathlons, ironman plus I'm sure many other things. When not training for an upcoming event, I'm blessed to spend many hours traipsing the woods with her. She's a wonderful guide, very patient and most importantly full of encouragement. Robin was putting together a new race on the acidotic RACING calendar on the Castle in the Clouds conservation lands, called the Roaring Falls Trail Race. On this overcast day (with perfect hiking temperatures), I set out with Robin to preview the long course of the Roaring Falls Trail Race which is approximately 11.5 miles long. The end result will be slightly different than we previewed today, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent at the Castle and fell in love with the trail system. Extremely well marked (makes me think of a woodsy highway system, with their signs set up like street signs!), the trails are well maintained and in excellent condition. A combination of some technical terrain with lots of wide open carriage roads that carry you up and down without even really realizing it! Best of all, there is a patch you can earn by covering all 19 trails/30 miles which includes 5 summits. Instantly on my to-do list.

first real viewpoint ascending Mt Roberts

Mt Roberts trail

Lady Slipper orchid
Mt Roberts Trail

looking back at where we had been

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