Monday, June 23, 2014

Whiteface Mountain

So, Beth and I are on a complete roll right now, and I'm loving it. Today we tackled Whiteface Mountain in the Belknaps. We almost couldn't find the trailhead, as it's sort of between a few houses and a bit indiscreet.. but we found it eventually. Quite a bit of the trail was snowmobile trail, which is used for other off-road vehicles also. Today, we encountered our first trail bike.. which sort of scared us as we weren't expecting it! We also encountered an abandoned car in the middle of the trail, which also freaked us out a bit as we weren't sure if someone had tried driving up the mountain and had been in an accident.. or if anyone was in the vehicle or what the situation was. It was empty, and it was still there on our descent.. so I'm not sure what was going on with that! Another gorgeous day however, and another peak closer to the Belknap Range patch!

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