Thursday, August 21, 2014

Arethusa Falls

I've driven past the turn for the Arethusa Falls hike so many times and always wanted to bring the boys to check it out. I'd read it is a great family hike, and we've never really hiked just to see a waterfall before. Bonus, it is the largest single drop waterfall in New Hampshire. The hike begins by crossing a train track which had the boys excited! The hike itself was actually more strenuous than I had anticipated, but it was a great day. We took the Bemis Brook loop on the way out and enjoyed exploring all the cascades along the way. As you can imagine on a nice Summer's day it was fairly busy at the falls and along the trail. The boys loved standing at the bottom of the falls and feeling the spray. A wonderful alternative to climbing a mountain.

Strava Activity

Fawn Pool swimming hole

cascades leading to Fawn Pool

cascades leading to Fawn Pool

Bemis Falls

cascades at the base of Bemis Falls

Bemis Falls

Coliseum Falls

Coliseum Falls

Bemis Brook Trail back up to Arethusa Falls trail

trying to show how steep this little section was.. see Cameron way up top!

Arethusa Falls

just as we got back to the trailhead a train came past!

looking up at Frankenstein Cliff

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