Saturday, March 6, 2021

Finishing Beaver Brook Association

 My 6th and final trip to complete redlining at Beaver Brook Association. It was a gorgeous day out and some recent warming temps have left the trails mostly icy with some hard packed snow and even some bare ground in between. I wore spikes the entire time and definitely needed them most of the way. I parked on Rt 130 at the Jeff Smith Trail, opposite where I had been a few weeks before when tackling the northern trail network. I headed down and not far into the trail encountered a small logging operation. Thankfully they weren't working today and it was easy enough to see where the trail continued. The smell of fresh timber was a little bonus to make up for the muddy conditions in that area. The trail took a right turn at an intersection with Shoen Road and I then turned onto the French Meadow Loop Trail. This took me out to an overlook with a couple benches and then rejoined Jeff Smith Trail, which continued until reaching West Hollis Rd. I retraced my steps back to Shoen Road and took the right following to O'Neill Road. This led out to a cul-de-sac on Irene Drive. Retracing my steps again, I did a quick out and back on French Meadow Cutoff to Nichols Trail where I had been a couple weeks ago, then followed O'Neill Road back to Dan Smith Road. Definitely handy to have a good map when exploring this place! Everything is well marked, but it's easy to get yourself turned around if you're not following your progress on a map. I took Dan Smith Road all the way to Elkins Road, took a right and headed downhill to the intersection with Eastman Meadow Trail. I had been on this little section a few weeks ago, but thought it easier to make a loop to finish off the section of Jason's Cutoff that I needed. This was the steadiest climbing all day. None of these trails have any real points of interest along them, but they are still fun trails to just be out and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. I doubled back on Dan Smith Trail to Elkins Road, but this time took a left and followed it to Shoen Road. A right on Shoen Road leads you in between some private residences on what was definitely the messiest section of the day with some deep muddy ruts to Rt 130. More doubling back, this time continuing on Shoen Road to Meadow Trail. This was an out and back across a meadow, past a cellar hole of an original homesteader in the area and down to Rt 130. This trail was the least traveled of my day, however there was still an established path making it easy to follow. Back on Shoen Road, I followed to Dan Smith Road where I had been earlier today and back to Brook Trail. My last trail of the park! I passed some interesting artifacts along this trail, possibly next to an old cellar hole. With everything covered in snow it was hard to tell. I quickly arrived back at Shoen Road and Jeff Smith Trail and back to the car. I really enjoyed my time at Beaver Brook Association over the 6 trips it took me to complete. I'm sure it looks very different in Summer, I could be tempted to come back and explore some more then! However for now it's on to the next redlining adventure. 

Strava Activity

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