Sunday, March 21, 2021

Joe English Reservation Part 1

 Another spectacular day. Today my son and I headed to Amherst and began redlining the Joe English Reservation. I am finding that I really enjoy these expansive parks with trails just wandering through the woods, no real landmarks or scenic views, just beautiful nature. We parked on Chestnut Hill Road and headed out on the Plumb Trail. We quickly reached the intersection with P-H Trail and then Highland Trail. This reservation is multi-use, however you can tell the design of the trails themselves are geared towards mountain bikes, winding and meandering around. They are fun to hike as well though. We were really lucky with dry trails, no mud/ice/snow to contend with and no bugs yet! We had worn Winter boots in case it was muddy and carried our spikes, but neither were needed. From Highland Trail we turned onto Rocky, then Bullwinkle. Every trail is super well marked and every intersection has additional blazes and a map with a "You Are Here" marker. Bullwinkle wound back around meeting back up with Highland Trail, which we backtracked and continued on until it met back up with Bullwinkle at the other end. We did a quick out and back to complete the Bullwinkle trail and another quick out and back on Tree House Trail. We then headed up Plumb Trail, did the lollipop that is Bobtail Loop and back on Plumb to the car. It didn't feel like much and doesn't sound like much writing it down, but we ended up with just over 6 miles. It was one of those days I could have just kept walking. While there were rolling ups and downs, nothing that used up too much energy, the temperatures were perfect and the sunlight streaming through the still leafless trees was just magical. I look forward to going back and exploring more of this park.

Strava Activity

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