Friday, November 26, 2021

Pawtuckaway State Park

 Black Friday was a rainy, grey day. I had some new cold/wet weather gear that I was excited to try out, so I picked something local. Back to Pawtuckaway State Park to fill in some of the missing pieces I have in completing all the trails there. I had seen a post on Facebook from a hiker referencing a new trailhead with easy access to Boulder Trail.. this was one of the trails I needed to complete, so I punched in directions and headed out. Turns out it's not really a new trailhead, it was an existing trail that ended at the road, they've just added a kiosk and map, and a pull out area across the road for a couple of cars. This was actually a bonus as it reduced my hike by a bit and allowed me to tack on a second hike finishing yet another trail. I drove Reservation Road to Round Pond Road and followed to the new kiosk at the end of Boulder Trail. I just had that last tenth of a mile or so to complete from Round Pond Road to the North Mountain Trail intersection. It's a fun tenth of a mile as it meanders through all those giant boulders that climbers love to learn/practice on. Being a miserable day, I had the area to myself. I did a quick out and back on that section before heading a little ways up Round Pond Road to the North Mountain Bypass that I also needed to finish off, having hiked half of it earlier in the year. From this end North Mountain Bypass climbs a little incline before descending again and meeting up with Chase Trail, which is a snowmobile trail that goes back to Round Pond Road. Lots of here, there and everywhere filling in these blanks today. I followed the road heading back to my car, when I encountered another junction of North Mountain Bypass. Thoroughly confused, as I hadn't been aware of a third end to this trail, I headed up it anyway and it shortly intersected with where I had started just a little way earlier, so now I've definitely covered all of North Mountain Bypass. Back at my car for the second time, I felt I still had more in me, and needed more exercise after those delicious treats yesterday for Thanksgiving, I decided to drive around to the main entrance of the park and do an out and back of the section of Woronoco Trail I needed. You need to park at the main entrance to access Woronoco Trail with a half mile road walk down the hill from the gate to the Mountain Trail entrance. Woronoco Trail starts almost immediately  after Mountain Trail at the kiosk. I just had to do the 1.5 mile section between Mountain Trail and Split Rock Trail, which was a lovely up and down wander through the woods with one marked scenic overlook area over a marsh. I saw the one and only person of the day, a trail runner and his pup on this trail. Now I just need to finish Shaw Trail, and I'm complete on all the trails at Pawtuckaway!

Strava Activity - Boulder Trail, North Mountain Bypass

Strava Activity - Woronoco Trail

new kiosk on Round Pond Rd at Boulder Trail

intersection of North Mountain Trail and Boulder Trail

North Mountain Bypass off Round Pond Rd

intersection of Chase Trail and North Mountain Bypass

Woronoco Trail off Mountain Trail

intersection of Woronoco Trail and Split Rock Trail

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