Sunday, November 7, 2021

Trout N Bacon Trail

 I'm recovering from another surgery which turned into a thankfully minor bout of pneumonia, so it's been a few weeks since I've been able to get out. I was itching to do so, but obviously needed to take it easy. I opted for the Trout N Bacon Trail in Stoddard and brought my 15 year old with me. We were doing it as an out and back, though I have seen many make it a loop with a road walk back to their cars. I figured out and back was the better option in case I needed to turn around at any point. I had read in the AMC South Guide and on various trip reports that several areas of this trail could be hard to navigate. This is always good information to have beforehand, so you are hyper aware and conscious of being careful. The Guide also states that parking is best a few tenths before the trailhead as the road is rough. Due to a recent logging operation, the road is now smooth and easy to drive right up to the trailhead, and there is a pull off area with room for 2-3 cars. A sign marking the trail can be seen from the road. The trail follows a small brook for about a tenth of a mile before intersecting an old road, could be a snowmobile trail, or just an old road. Turn right here, there is a small arrow nailed to a tree and follow the road for about half a mile or so, gradually ascending. The trail is marked with yellow blazes. As the trail leaves the road, there is a Conservation Property marker and another small arrow nailed to a tree. Turn right here and then ascend a little more steeply towards Bacon Ledge. The trail is well marked and our only issue today was all the leaves that a typical Fall hike has hiding all the ankle rolling rocks and roots. The lower section was also quite wet and muddy, but we were able to rock hop or skooch around relatively easily. There are also lots of small blowdowns that were easily stepped over. Right before reaching Bacon Ledge, the trail hits a relatively steep, short section including a rock scramble that for me was a hands and knees job. We were blessed with a very clear day and Bacon Ledge provides the only real views along the trail overlooking Island Pond in Stoddard. Beyond Bacon Ledge is where I had read the sometimes difficult navigating took place, and while we definitely noticed a distinct change in trail maintenance, we didn't find it quite as difficult as I was expecting. There were 2 spots between Bacon Ledge and Round Mountain where we really had to stop and look for the next blaze, and I had a downloaded track that also helped ensure we were on the right path. The trail is definitely well blazed, just some of the blazes are a little faded and you have to look extra hard to find them. Round Mountain, which is on the NH 500 is wooded with a big rock marking the summit. The trail down to Trout Pond was definitely more rustic, but still marked the entire way. My kiddo did manage to wander off course several times just by not paying attention, which is why I made sure he stayed relatively close to me so I could redirect him when needed. At the approach to Trout Pond you cross a field with some long grasses and then the pond opens up and is very beautiful. It was perfectly quiet and crystal clear for us today. Nancy Mountain reflecting in the pond is the icing on the cake. We backtracked the way we came uneventfully finally seeing our first 2 people ascending Bacon Ledge as we were coming down. 

Strava Activity

Sign on Old Antrim Road next to parking

turning off the "old road" onto the trail

Bacon Ledge

Bacon Ledge

heading over to Round Mountain

Round Mountain summit

heading down Round Mountain to Trout Pond

Trout Pond

crossing the field back to the trail

re-entering the trail from the field at Trout Pond

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