Saturday, January 21, 2023

Pisgah State Park - Part 2

 Winter has arrived. Some might say finally, I do not fall into that group. I used to love everything Winter. I have reached the age where yes, it does make a very beautiful scene, but it's too much work! ;) Thus, I really tried to find the area that received the least amount of snow during this past storm. I opted for the Monadnock area and Pisgah State Park. The decision was a good one. I parked at the Visitor Center on Old Chesterfield Road and was surprised to find no other cars. It also looks more like a house when not open, but the large kiosk sign and gate had me confident I was in the right place. I packed snowshoes, but started in spikes. Old Chesterfield Road is exactly that, an old road and I was pleasantly surprised to find tracks - thinking the park was still closed for snowmobiles. It turns out, the tracks were for an active logging operation. I passed the Doolittle Trail intersection and some historical markers, though with all the snow there was nothing really to see at these sites. The logging tracks went as far as Jon Hill Road, beyond that I was first tracks the rest of the day! With only a couple inches on the ground, I opted to continue in my spikes. I stayed on Old Chesterfield Road, passed the Broad Brook Trail intersection and followed to Snow Brook Trail. Turning here, the trail crossed through a logged area before heading back into the woods. The snow cover was thinner/stickier here and it started balling up on my spikes, so I took them off and actually kept them off the remainder of the day. There were some really wet/muddy sections along here, sometimes I was able to skooch around, sometimes I was in the muck.. thankfully the snow cleaned it off as I was walking. I turned onto Orchard Trail and did an out and back to Jon Hill Road. Back on Snow Brook Trail I followed to Old Spofford Road. There is parking here in the Summer, but the gate is closed in Winter. Snow Brook Trail follows right alongside the road briefly before meeting with Jon Hill Trail. I followed Jon Hill Road back to Old Chesterfield and returned to my car. All the trails I was on today are snowmobile trails also (when allowed) so they were all wide with easy footing. Jon Hill Trail in particular was really wide and I followed deer tracks most of the way, which was fun imagining them having fun out in the snow! Nothing scenic to see on these trails, but the snow really did make for an enchanted Winter wonderland. With another incoming snowstorm, I imagine these trails will be busy with snowmobile traffic soon enough!

Strava Activity

it just looked like artwork to me

beautiful scene along Orchard Trail

Snow Brook Trail showing the love

Jon Hill Road

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