Saturday, April 29, 2023

Berry Pasture Trail

 Having completed the Wapack Trail a few weeks ago, it was time to explore some of the side trails that lead up to the Wapack. Rain was forecast for today, so I picked a couple of the shorter ones, to try and beat Mother Nature. Laura and I had attempted to car spot at Berry Pasture Trail a couple years ago, but when we got there we discovered the road it is on is closed over Winter. I couldn't remember the exact date I had seen on the sign, but I knew it was April something, and today being April 29 I felt safe it would be open. The Summer opening date is April 10, so I was good. The trailhead is just under a mile up the dirt road, marked by a very tiny sign high up in a tree. This area was cleared back in 2007 with a tree harvest project so the trail starts in a wide open area. A blaze on a rock points the way. I could see a cleared section heading straight up the hill and thought that was the trail, however that must be the old logging road, the trail heads into the woods and just skirts the edge of the cleared section. It starts wide like an old road and immediately starts climbing. I recorded just over 800ft of elevation gain in a pinch under a mile. We have had a lot of rain recently, and this area was hit hard over the Winter with storms. There were a few blowdowns but not near as much mess as I had anticipated, especially after Fox Forest last weekend. There was some mud down low, but that was easily avoidable. Thankfully it was climb the entire length, there were stretches of flat to catch your breath. The trail weaves up the side of Burton Peak and when you hit the area that must have been part of the previous logging, the trail narrows. I had read reports it was overgrown. I definitely didn't think that was the case, but I can imagine in Summer when everything is filled in with greenery it may seem that way. Looking behind you (on the way up) there are wonderful views over to Monadnock. The trail re-enters the woods and has one last short, steep climb before reaching the Wapack Trail just south of Burton Peak summit. I wasn't going to hit the actual summit, but once there, I decided to just do it. I'm glad I did, because I forgot there is a wonderful cleared view. I didn't linger as I could feel the rain approaching and wanted to get my second hike in for the day, so retraced my steps back to the car. 

Strava Activity

Trailhead on Mountain Road, Sharon

Start of trail from parking area

Berry Pasture Trail and Wapack Trail intersection

for the record, my watch record 0.95 miles

looking along the Wapack Trail

cleared view near Burton Peak summit

heading back down Berry Pasture Trail

views from Berry Pasture Trail

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