Sunday, September 10, 2023

Cardigan Mountain - South Ridge Trail

 We had a mixed forecast this weekend, and more inclement weather was forecast this afternoon. I wanted to get out and do something so I headed back to the Cardigan area to grab a 3ish mile loop I've had planned that would cover South Ridge Trail over Rimrock and Cardigan's South Peak. I arrived to find the parking lot about half full. Not surprising, hikers don't seem to be deterred by much. I have hiked Cardigan 3 times previously, all on West Ridge Trail which begins at the back of the parking lot. Despite this being a State Park, there is no fee and no ranger at the gate. There is however some porta potties, which is always a bonus, particularly when they're clean as these were today! My memory of West Ridge Trail was it being on the relatively mild side and one of the "easier" 52 With A View/Firetower mountains.. my memories seem to have faded over the years, as although not insanely hard, it was steeper than I had remembered! The trail immediately begins climbing, though does use long switchbacks at first to make the ascent. The trail was damp today from recent rains (a recurrent theme this year) but the biggest plus of the entire day was no bugs! About half a mile up West Ridge trail is a giant cairn marking the intersection with South Ridge Trail. I had read some reports that it was better to ascend via South Ridge due to some steep scrambles near the top, so this was the way I headed. The trail continues to climb though there were some level sections to help catch your breath. I could see from the map I was following that the trail ascended a small knob, leveled out then came the steep scramble I had read about. At first, I was thinking it wasn't too bad, steep yes.. but not overly technical. Then I turned a corner and all that changed. For about a quarter mile, the trail was very steep with a mixture of slab and technical rock scrambles. I was actually quite nervous the entire time being alone and on the shorter side.. some of the scrambles were precarious. I was also cognizant that the ground was very saturated, and since I was using trees a lot of the time for balance and to pull myself up, I just prayed none gave out under the wet ground. I took my time and tried to enjoy the surroundings. I couldn't see much through the trees as the clouds were way low. Maybe this was good, I couldn't see how high up I was! I've never been so glad to reach the top of a scramble and even though it continued to be a steep climb, it was far less nerve-wracking than going up those rocks. The climb was now more slab and I imagine on a clear day there would have been some wonderful peekaboo views of the surrounding area. I reached Rimrock and was completely socked in. I wasn't overly concerned as I know I need to revisit this area when I hike Skyland Trail which intersects on the summit of Rimrock. I actually enjoyed the total quiet and peacefulness of the whiteout. The trail continues a couple tenths over to Cardigan's South Peak marked with a giant cairn.. and typically great views up to Cardigan's actual summit. It then descends slightly and up a little again to meet up with Ranger Cabin Trail. South Ridge Trail turns right here and follows over some more slab with a gentle incline to its end at Clark Trail at the old Fire Wardens cabin. I looked up Clark Trail and could even barely see with the fog. I could see how steep it was though and thought about Holt Trail further over and how that's even steeper! I backtracked to Ranger Cabin Trail and continued the couple tenths to West Ridge Trail. This area seems to be lightly used as there were lots of spiderwebs. It also started to very lightly rain at this point. I reached West Ridge Trail, there is no sign, but a large cairn in the middle of the trail. I did notice a small sign up in a tree pointing up Ranger Cabin Trail that said to South Ridge Trail. Descending West Ridge Trail was rocky and wet. I was amazed at the amount of people still heading up, despite obvious white out conditions, rain starting to fall and heavier rain in the forecast! I passed the intersection with Skyland Trail, thinking about being back to do that trail at some point in the future and continued on back to the car just as the rain started to get a bit heavier. 

Strava Activity

looking up South Ridge Trail as it starts to get really steep

one of the more sketchy sections I found on South Ridge

more technical scramble


trail between Rimrock and South Peak

South Peak

spider webs on Ranger Cabin Trail

intersection of Ranger Cabin and West Ridge trails

heading down West Ridge Trail

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