Sunday, February 4, 2024

SRKG - Section 4 Back to Finish It

 It was a bluebird day after what felt like several weeks of gloomy weather.. last minute change in plans had me coming up with my route for the day early morning. I typically don't love hiking on a Sunday as I don't like getting home late then having to get up to work the next morning, so I came up with a short hike. Something to satisfy my desire for being outside, checking off one of my redlining hikes and still home with plenty of afternoon to relax. I headed back to Section 4 of the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway where I had been just 2 weeks ago. I figured I'd try to find alternate parking to complete the section I needed. The "official" parking at the end of Deer Hill Road was still unplowed, so I decided to drive the length of the road and see what the other end was like. It's not a thru road, and I know it's a snowmobile corridor as well, so I figured I'd see what it was like. As it turns out, right at the very end opposite the last driveway, where the plow had turned around was space to pull in and be off the road and not block any of the snowmobile access or driveway. I wasn't sure if that was allowed, but I didn't see any No Parking signs, just No Hunting.. so I took the chance and parked here. This effectively put me in the middle of the section I needed, so an out and back in each direction from the car. I opted for the longer out and back first, which was the entire length of Deer Hill Road. This is a dirt road and was plowed nicely however in many places was a thin layer of ice, so I opted for spikes which worked out great. Deer Hill Road is 1.4 miles long, rolling up and down and a quiet country road. I saw 1 car the entire time. At the start of Deer Hill Rd is Baptist Pond and I had some peeks with the leaves off the trees. Camp Sunapee Children's camp is also along this road, but appears to be only active during Summer months. Back at the car, I needed to head down the snowmobile trail to the point I had reached 2 weeks ago. I had screenshot my location then on a map, so I could easily identify my turnaround point from this direction. I was surprised to see a house a little ways down the road, but is not accessible (at least by car) during Winter. From here all vehicular access ends and the trail is only accessible for recreation. The snowmobile corridor is groomed along here so it was nicely packed down and spikes were all I needed. The sunlight coming through the trees created some pretty light. I reached my turnaround point, which was just 0.4 miles from the car and retraced my steps completing Section 4 of the SRKG. An uneventful section with no scenic points, but it is a very quiet and peaceful section and I actually really enjoyed it. 

Strava Activity

Start of Deer Hill Road of Stoney Brook Road

looking down Deer Hill Road

peekaboo to Baptist Pond

the road is blazed

end of Winter vehicle access

end of Summer vehicle access

my turnaround point

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