Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Section 13

 After my trudge last week in just a small amount of snow, I wasn't interested in repeating that adventure.. so headed for some road sections. I decided on half of Section 13 of the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway, beginning where I had left off at Wadleigh State Park in Sutton. I found the entrance to Kearsarge Valley Trail on Penacook Road was plowed with enough room (and no signs forbidding) to park without blocking the gate. It was exceptionally windy today so all the Winter gear came out. I started out down Penacook Road, which begins by following the shore of Kezar Lake. Aside from the wind, it was a gorgeous day. There were actually quite a few people out walking along this hard packed dirt road. About halfway down there is a great view across to Mt Kearsarge. The road leaves the lake and gently starts to climb towards Kings Hill. At the end of Penacook Road, turn left onto Kings Hill Road. I knew this was only drivable part of the way, then became a Class VI road, but I was surprised to see the plowed section was much further down than I had expected. Initially I was hesitant to continue as I wasn't really interested in any snow trudging, but as I got closer I could see it had been broken out by a couple sets of footprints, so I decided to give it a go with the mindset of turning around if it became too unpleasant. The snow depth was maybe 3-4 inches, but the prints were well set in and I was able to literally walk in this persons footsteps. I was surprised to see a parking area a short ways along for Maple Leaf Nature Area that consisted of some trails which had seen snowmobile use as well, making the path even more tolerable! The road climbs quite steadily, but being a road there is only the ascent to contend with, no tricky footing. I reached some signs for Sutton Conservation Land and a road (named Poor Farm Rd on the map) went left. The snowmobile and foot traffic followed the road, whereas the SRKG continued straight on the now Class VI portion of Kings Hill Road. Immediately I was met with major flooding and mud. I only made it up a few hundred feet before calling it a day, deciding to come back when it was drier. I didn't finish too far short of my intended turnaround point at the height of land, so I was pleased with the days accomplishment. I turned around and headed back downhill enjoying the peekaboo views across to Kearsarge. Once back at Penacook Rd, I decided instead of doing a straight out and back I'd continue around the lake. The mileage wasn't really any different and it would provide a change of scenery. I'm really glad I opted to do that, the neighborhood around the lake is just gorgeous. Slowly but surely I'm checking off the miles on my redlining spreadsheet!

Strava Activity

starting point on Penacook Rd

Mt Kearsarge across Kezar Lake

Left onto Kings Hill Rd

where the plowed section ended

some nice tracks to follow though

start of Class VI section

my turnaround point

Kings Hill from Keyser St

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