Sunday, March 17, 2024

Wantastiquet-Monadnock Trail Cheshire Rail Trail Part 3

 There was chances of rain in the forecast today, so I opted to stay low again, as has been the trend this Winter and finish the Cheshire Rail Trail section I needed on the Wantastiquet-Monadnock Trail. I parked my car at the parking area for the Cheshire Stone Arch Bridge on Rt 101, where I had turned around 2 weeks ago. Carefully crossing Route 101, there is a small connector path over to Marlboro St. You will see a WM Blue Diamond blaze on the guard rail at the end of the street. Follow down Marlboro St to the Eastern Ave intersection and turn right here. This busy street has a sidewalk, which was nice. Head ever so slightly uphill for just about a tenth of a mile and the Cheshire Rail Trail bears left off the road onto a dedicated Rail Trail with parking and kiosk. This was a nicely paved flat section, that they have done their best to "fancy" up with some greenery and benches periodically as it passes through an industrial area. Just under a mile from Eastern Ave, the trail enters a parking lot. Turn right here and then turn left alongside the back of a hotel with an outdoor seating area before entering Railroad Square in downtown Keene. It was quiet for me being relatively early on a Sunday morning, but I imagine it could be busy.. but also provides some snack stop options if needed with lots of restaurants and bars in the area! Crossing Main Street, the Rail Trail passes what looked like an old train station and continues down between parking lots to School Street. The trail is relatively well marked at turns with signs and occasionally a Blue WM blaze could be spotted as well, though I do recommend a good map which made it much easier to confirm I was making all the correct turns. Turn left on School St and continue for 1 block. At Emerald St, turn right and continue till the street runs out and the Rail Trail continues over a bridge. One word of caution if hiking this section around the same time as I did.. there is a road closure on Island Street which has detoured pedestrians one block over to the Ashuelot Rail Trail. You will pass the entrance to the Ashuelot Rail Trail and may notice a bright orange DETOUR sign... ignore this and continue straight on Emerald St, that sign is strictly for pedestrian access along Island St and does not affect the Cheshire Rail Trail or W-M Trail at all. Once you pass over the bridge at the end of Emerald St, you will reach Island St. Turn right here and head just about a tenth of a mile down to where the Cheshire Rail Trail heads off to the left on a dedicated pathway again. The trail crosses over the Ashuelot River and continues down to another bridge that crosses over Route 9. I have driven under this bridge so many times thinking about how I'd have to walk over it at some point in my redlining journey. Today was that day! The other side of the bridge becomes hard packed dirt trail for the next 1.8 miles or so and you leave downtown, entering a prettier area amongst houses. This is a long straight line with no elevation. The trail also passes through Keene Country Club along this section which is definitely much more scenic. After crossing several roads, eventually you will come to Whitcomb Mill Road which has a Rail Trail parking area and gate. Cheshire Rail Trail continues across Whitcomb Mill Road and into the woods. The Wantastiquet-Monadnock Trail turns left here and climbs up Whitcomb Mill Road, crosses Route 9 and continues up to Daniels Hill Road where there is signage for the Horatio Colony Preserve. Turn left onto Daniels Hill Road and continue down to the entrance for Horatio Colony Preserve. This was my turnaround point at 5.5 miles from my car. I basically backtracked the way I came with a couple shortcuts. It started to sprinkle when I had a couple miles left. I made it back to the car in just over 11 miles and within 5 minutes of being back the heavens opened and it started pouring. Couldn't have timed that any better had I tried!

Strava Activity

starting point on Rt 101

connector path from Rt 101 to Marlboro St

onto Marlboro St

right on Eastern Ave

left onto the Cheshire Rail Trail

some fun benches

right in the parking lot

across Railroad Square

left on School St

Right on Emerald St

end of Emerald St where the Rail Trail continues

right on Island St

left onto the Rail Trail

across the Ashuelot River

crossing Rt 9

through Keene Country Club

left on Whitcomb Mill Rd

left on Daniels Hill Rd

Horatio Colony Preserve

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