Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mt Agamenticus

I am determined to develop a passion for hiking in my kids the same way I have developed one. Such an amazing way to help create a healthy lifestyle. Thus, we set out on another adventure, just the three of us. This time we ventured to Maine and explored the Ring Trail and Witches Hazel trail to the summit of Mt Agamenticus. What I liked about these trails were the interactive signs along the route, which gave the kids something to look out for and motivation to keep moving. Basically a nice, big hill.. we enjoyed walking around the summit, investigating the old ski hill equipment, and relaxing with a snack at the picnic tables. Hiking with my youngest son is a continual learning process. He has Type 1 Diabetes, and the only consistent thing about his disease.. is inconsistency. I always make sure to carry plenty of sugary snacks, as well as his "kit" which consists of his testing equipment.. thankfully I am pretty obsessive about checking his numbers and keeping a close on eye on him. He had a low on the summit of Mt A, but I was able to quickly get some food into him before it reached critical level and we regrouped before heading back down to the car. Aside from some light rain and relatively overcast conditions, another fun afternoon enjoying our surrounds.

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