Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mt Willard

And just like that.. I'm back at Mt Willard. This time for a wedding! Friends of mine, who are crazy (amazing) ultra runners, mountain climbers and all around good people, Ryan and Kristina, had decided to do what they do best.. get married atop a mountain! This was what prompted my hike a couple weeks earlier to ensure I was capable of making it up to witness their ceremony. We are camping at the base of Mt Washington with my husband and eldest son, as part of the 24 Hours of Great Glen mountain bike race, so it wasn't too far a commute to the trailhead. Karen and I headed out in enough time to comfortably make it up the trail. We incidentally met up with Kristina's Mother who was beginning the trek herself and accompanied her up to the site of the nuptials. After much positive thinking, Mother Nature played nice and endowed upon the newlyweds an absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous morning. I was thrilled to have been a part of such a unique and beautiful event, (which made it into the pages of New Hampshire Bride magazine, thanks to the couple's adventure seeking photographer Jay Philbrick of Philbrick Photography).


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