Monday, August 5, 2013

Mt Tecumseh

Always someone who is ready for the next step.. probably before I should be. I was (mentally) ready for my first NH 4000ft mountain. My friends Chris and Karen have already checked a large number off this list, so with their knowledge and experience I prepared for my first. We chose Tecumseh due to its trail length and height. It is mere feet over that 4K criteria. New hiking boots ready, we headed out early (experiencing a gorgeous sunrise en route) and parked at the Waterville Valley ski area. Took us a minute to figure out where the trailhead was, and we were greeted with the most amazing sight.. a moose on the ski trails! I was excited and nervous about meeting Mr Moose on the trails themselves, but we headed out and up. I just remember thinking there was a lot of "stepping" up rocks. My legs got tired, but I was determined to make it. we stopped at the viewpoint on the way up for a breather and a couple funny shots with the boys. I had read that there wasn't much of a view from the summit, but there had been some tree clearing done and it was a gorgeous day. I was rewarded for my first 4K. We took the Sosman Trail over to the top of the ski trails and headed down the access road back to the base lodge. That was the longest, steepest descent. My legs were on fire and I had to try different methods of walking.. sideways, baby steps, probably backwards a few times. It just felt neverending. I thank Karen for her incredible patience with me. She is a saint. Always encouraging, never a word about my complaints. In fact she picked a bouquet of wildflowers on our way down to try and keep my mind off what we were doing. I had a great day though, and I was very proud of myself for having completed #1 on the NH48.


showing it was our #1 4K hike

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