Monday, August 1, 2016

Abenaki Fire Tower

Adventure #2 for the day was to the Abenaki Fire Tower in Tuftonboro. The rains continued rather persistently, but I was not deterred as conveniently I had 3 umbrellas in the back of the car.. and had read it was only about a 5 minute walk to the tower from the small parking area off Route 109. We got out our umbrellas and started up the trail, only to meet about halfway up, a logging truck.. who ever so kindly stopped his work midway through and waited for us to do our thing. There were 2 other parties already up at the tower and we learned that we had just missed all the excitement of a giant tree being felled. The logging gentlemen said he was working on "improving the view" from the tower! The trail walk took us exactly 3 1/2 minutes and we were greeted by the wooden structure that is Abenaki Fire Tower. It is rather odd as the trees around it really are quite tall and it seems an odd place for a tower. This is a rebuilt tower, and the original was supposedly used for spotting aircraft during WWII! It would be a really nice tower, except it is covered from top to bottom and everywhere in between with graffiti.. and not all of it is flowers and rainbows and X loves Y.. some rather political nonsense and adult content as well. Something needs to be done about that! Very unfortunate. We quickly ascended and I advised the boys to just keep their eyes on the step in front of them. Although very overcast, there were still some pretty views over the lake. We snapped our pictures.. and made a hasty retreat back to the car. Check mark for #22 of 92 on the NH Fire Tower list.

Strava Activity

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