Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Federal Hill Fire Tower

Another day.. another fire tower... or two. Today the boys and I headed over to Milford and Federal Hill Fire Tower. There's not a lot to write about the Tower's we have been visiting this week. But they're on the list, so we're visiting them. Federal Hill is in the middle of a residential street, there is a gated access road with room for a couple of cars. I had read about a trail that forked off the access road about 100 yards past the gate, so we headed in that direction. The trail is only about 0.25 miles, but ascends gently. At the only fork we reached a little after starting (and per my son's Pokémon map he was following) we needed to head right.. which was actually handy, as I hadn't read about a fork so I would have had to guess otherwise! We reached the tower. There are several buildings around it and a nice cleared area with a US flag flying. The tower itself made me a little nervous. Although sturdy enough (in that it didn't shake while climbing as some others have done), the stairs were quite narrow) and the side rail protection was minimal. I kept the boys close. Thankfully there was no wind at all today. Some nice views, particularly over to the Uncanoonucs. We took a few pictures and headed back down. We took the access road back down to make a loop and arrived back at the car.

Strava Activity

Blurry shot as I was walking.. but I loved the look of the trees on the trail

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