Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Carter Tower & Milan Hill Fire Tower

I'll combine two in one for this report. After leaving Mt Prospect, we headed for Carter Tower which is situated right alongside Route 2 in Jefferson. I checked out Google street view before heading out, so I had a rough idea of where to look for the tower. Of course, we drove right past it the first time, back tracked and there it was. Quick park alongside the road and a couple of pictures to "tag" this tower. The tower is locked, so you cannot go in. However, that is another fire tower marked off the list!

Onto Milan and Milan Hill State Park. Driving into Gorham on Route 2 is one of the prettiest drives I have done in a while. I've gone up Route 16 so many times, but the views of the Presidentials from Route 2 are maybe my favorite. We arrived at Milan Hill State Park and stopped at the Ranger cabin on the way in. I had anticipated having to pay a State Park fee, and after being ribbed a little by the Park Ranger (he told me it would be $52, he was just having a laugh) he said there were no day use fees and to enjoy our time exploring the park. We didn't have a whole lot of time having to get back to football practice that evening, so we didn't spend a whole lot of time in the park. But what we saw was really, really pretty. Aidan even said "this is one of the nicest places we've been".. they have yurts you can camp in, or open campsites you can rent. The yurts looked like fun! The tower was just up the road from the ranger cabin with some picnic tables, swings and a covered pavilion you can rent out for larger parties. We climbed the tower and were rewarded with some amazing views. Again, viewing the Presidentials from this angle was spectacular. We were blessed with an absolute bluebird day as well. The tower looks like it could be a bit shaky, but it was sturdy enough. Cameron wasn't interested in making it all the way to the top of this one, he stopped about halfway. So 3 more towers marked off the list. Even if we never complete this list, it has been so much fun touring around and exploring places we would never ordinarily visit. New Hampshire is a very beautiful state, we are so lucky to live here!

Carter Tower Fire Tower

Carter Tower Fire Tower

Milan Hill Fire Tower

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