Saturday, May 22, 2021

North & South Uncanoonuc

 Today was hot, humid and hazy.. I knew I couldn't do anything too strenuous in this weather, but I still wanted to get out and accomplish something. I decided to finish up redlining the Uncanoonucs in Goffstown. I worked out a route that would encompass the 2 trails that I hadn't been on at all, as well as finish up the remaining 4 others that I had partially completed previously. This route included a trail not on the official map, but I had seen it on AllTrails. I don't always trust the AllTrails app that much, but I went with a wing and a prayer that this would work out. It did! I parked at the kiosk on Mountain Base Road. Last time I had tried to come here, it was packed as it does share parking with a town beach. Thankfully I was early enough today, that while almost full already, I was able to snag a spot. I assumed (correctly) that there would be a lot of bugs due to the humidity, so I doused myself in bug spray and headed out on the Bickford Trail. I needed 0.2miles of this trail to the intersection with Summit Trail. This section coincided with a road to some cabins along the lake, so was an easy walk. I took Summit Trail, which climbs steadily to the intersection with Link Trail. Last time I was here, was in February with Laura, the morning after some snow. It looked remarkably different today! There also appeared to be some new logging, that I don't remember seeing previously. While messy on the ground, it is opening up some peekaboo views to the the surrounding area. I headed down Link Trail towards Mountain Road, where I encountered a lot more logging on both sides of the trail. There were some areas of mud here, but it was avoidable. I reached Mountain Road and crossed over to Class 6 Road Trail, which is a snowmobile trail and followed that to the end. I then backtracked to Blue Trail, which was a relatively moderate climb up to the North Uncanoonuc summit. There was a view spur showing on my map, so I found that and took it, which led to a very restricted view over to Pack Monadnock, hardly visible today in the haze. The bugs were picking up, so I didn't stop and rest for too long at any point during this hike. The goal was to keep moving and attempt to keep the bugs at bay. At the summit, there is a good view back over to the tower farm that is South Uncanoonuc. I headed down White Dot Trail. I had read this was rather steep, so I strategically planned this for my descent, not really wanting any of that in the heat of today. Super glad I made that choice, it really was a steep little trail, thankfully only 0.7 miles long. It had good footing, I just took my time so as not to slip on any pine needles or rock. I reached back down to Mountain Road and this was where I was hoping to pick up the unnamed trail from the AllTrails app. I found it and it turned out to be not only maintained but faintly blazed with orange blazes on the trees. I did reach one intersection where I had to consult my map and initially started down the wrong way, but realized and turned around. Back at Mountain Road for the 3rd time, I crossed back over and took the 0.2 mile link from a parking area/kiosk back to Link Trail. Climbed back up through the logged area to Summit Trail. this time took a right and climbed some more to Walker Trail. This was a repeat of what Laura and I had done in snowshoes in February as well. Walker Trail starts off quite steeply, but then hits a small viewpoint (no views today) and then descends across the slope passing another viewpoint over the city of Manchester before reaching Incline Trail. Again, another strategically planned descent, this one was a little tougher due to lots of loose gravel and rocks, but I took my time and made it safely back to the car. Incline Trail was a tram line in a previous life to a hotel that stood atop South Uncanoonuc and is quite the doozy of an incline... hence the name! ;) I wasn't upset for this hike to be over as I was drenched and gassed from the heat. It was a good feeling though being able to check off the remainder of trails in this area. 

Strava Activity

Kiosk on Mountain Base Road

Leaving the parking area

Lots of logging along Link Trail

start of Link Trail on Mountain Road

across the street, start of Class 6 Road Trail

passing for now, but I'll be back

the other end of Class 6 Road Trail

so called Scenic View

from North Uncanoonuc summit looking at South

doesn't look nearly as steep as it is

start of White Dot Trail on Mountain Road

parking and kiosk on Mountain Road

no views today

hazy view of Manchester

Incline Trail looking rather flat, when it's far from it

bottom of Incline Trail at the parking area

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