Monday, May 31, 2021

Stratham Hill Park

 Another dreary, rainy day. Another location I had previously been to 6 years ago. This time since I'm redlining, I was attacking a different section of the park than I had previously visited. Stratham Hill Park is primarily designed as a mountain bike park, though plenty of hikers still frequent the trails. There are a myriad of trails, however not all of them are on the official park map. All the trails were in great shape, I just found it confusing and while I was never lost, I absolutely could not have made it without aid of an online tracker map app. Several times I was heading in the wrong direction before consulting the tracker and correcting myself. The area is popular for dog walkers, I saw lots and lots of doggos today. Only a couple of bikers, probably because the weather wasn't ideal. Besides the fire tower, which I didn't visit today as I had been there previously, there really isn't anything scenic, just another great trail network to get out and explore. You can make your hike as short or as long as you like here with so many options!

Strava Activity

Pump Track with a little rider just in view

This tree looked like a piece of art on display

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