Saturday, April 16, 2022

Bear Brook State Park - Ferret Trail

 I had plans to hike somewhere different this weekend but Mother Nature had other ideas. It was forecast to rain starting around lunch time, so I decided to stick closer to home where I knew I could get decent mileage in a shorter amount of time. Back to Bear Brook for my 3rd to last planned hike there. I parked back on Podunk Road, on the Candia side and headed back up just like last week. I continued past Broken Boulder where I was last week and reached Hall Mountain Marsh Trail. The sign says Hall Mountain Trail, but the map says Hall Mountain Marsh Trail, so we'll go with the map. I needed to finish the 0.4 miles or so on this trail, having done the rest a few weeks ago when I went over Hall Mountain itself. This was designed primarily as a mountain bike trail I think, so it's flowy and mostly smooth. At the intersection with the spur over to the Bear Hill cabins, I jumped on that and picked up Ferret Trail. This is a big loop and was wet, muddy and mostly forgettable. It's a snowmobile trail and is wide the entire way and easy to follow. As I approached the bottom of the loop I encountered a former logging area with a clear cut view over to Hall Mountain, which was a nice change of scenery. The bottom section was definitely the wettest and muddiest and took some careful skooching in some places to avoid getting wet. It started to sprinkle while I was on this section, I thought the rains might have been arriving early so got my wet weather gear out, alas it was just a tease.. though I kept my gear on just in case. Once at the bottom, I headed back up the other side of the loop where I had been a couple weeks ago. It became more of a pine bed terrain, which I much prefer than rocky gravel and as the trail neared Bear Hill Pond it became much more pleasant. I saw a spur path with an old fallen down sign that said Bear Hill Pond, so I decided to investigate and this was worth the short detour. The trail is only a few hundred yards and leads to a rocky outcrop at the edge of the pond which on a nice day would be a wonderful spot to set up and enjoy a picnic or snack and sit and enjoy the view of the pond. Even though it was overcast and a rather miserable day, I really enjoyed stopping and just zoning out for a bit. I could see the Bear Hill cabins on the far side, I hadn't realized there were cabins you could rent here at all. I continued on and reached the end at Podunk Road. Taking a right here, I followed the road around and into the area where the cabins are before picking up Hall Mountain Marsh Trail again. I was going to follow Podunk Road all the way back to the car but opted to take the trail, since I had enjoyed it so much a few weeks ago. It looked completely different without the snow/ice but was just as lovely. I ended up hiking just over 8.5 miles and didn't see a single soul until the last few hundred yards when I encountered a local resident out walking. Back at the car and the heavens opened opened just a few minutes after I was packed up and safely inside. 

Strava Activity

Map shows this as Hall Mountain Marsh Trail

view from the clear cut along Ferret Trail

Bear Hill Pond from the spur on Ferret Trail

Hall Mountain Marsh

along Hall Mountain Marsh Trail with the marsh peeking through in the back

view from Podunk Ledges on Hall Mountain Marsh Trail

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