Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Rattlesnakes

West Rattlesnake is a very popular hike for all ages and abilities. It is a very well maintained, relatively easy trail that is about a mile long. So, the boys and I on this warm Summer day ventured on up to Holderness to explore this much heard about area. We went up the Old Bridle Path trail, which is the main trail, however when we reached West Rattlesnake (the main point of interest) we kept going on the Ridge Trail another 0.8 miles over to East Rattlesnake. Much less visited, but equally as pretty! There is a small lookout area, with beautiful views over the Lakes region. Back to the summit of West Rattlesnake (with one minor detour as we missed a turn!). The views really are gorgeous, just be prepared to share them with lots of other people!

taking in the view from East Rattlesnake

this was the sign we missed and headed the wrong way just for a brief moment

West Rattlesnake

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