Saturday, July 5, 2014

Loon Mountain

acidotic RACING, of which I am a member, hosts a summer mountain race at Loon Mountain every year. It's one of the bigger summer mountain races in New England and it's a lot of fun to watch. I have volunteered for the past few years and this year I decided I wanted to see what it was like to participate.. now, I didn't actually race because I don't run... and the race is tomorrow. However, while set up was being done, I took the opportunity to imagine what it must be like to actually race. I followed the course as it was set up. The course is 7 miles and took me up the infamous "Upper Walking Boss".. ouch.. to the summit of Loon Mountain's North Peak before descending back to the top of the gondola. Gorgeous day with incredible views. If you are someone who likes running and likes mountains, I highly encourage you to check this race (and the whole mountain running series) out.


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