Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Stratham Hill & Jewell Hill

 Had my first adventure over at Stratham Hill today. I've heard a lot about it as I know a lot of mountain bikers and this park is set up primarily for riders, but hikers are welcome as well. My main objective was the fire tower for the NH Fire Tower list I'm working on. It can be very confusing as the mountain bikers have created many more paths than are shown on the map so we were a little all over the place today, but it was gorgeous out so we just went with the flow. We started at the main parking lot and headed out on Eagle Trail then connected onto Lovell Road Trail. We then took Kitty Rock Trail past the pond to Tote Road. Headed over towards the Elementary School then cut back on one of the mountain bike trails over to Barker Trail. Followed Barker Trail to USA Today Trail. This is where we got a bit turned around, but we found our way eventually. We followed a mountain bike trail over Jewell Hill and back to Barker Trail, picked up another mountain bike trail back to the pond. Started down Tote Road, turned back to Kitty Rock Trail. This time took Lincoln Trail over to the fire tower. I climbed up while Beth waited for me down below. These were the views for the day out over Great Bay! We then finished off the day on Lincoln Trail back to the car. Phew! 

Strava Activity

I only took pictures from the fire tower!

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