Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Completing Hamlin Park & Bald Ledge

 With a bonus weekday off (thank you Veterans, your service is forever in my gratitude) I grabbed Mr 14 and we headed off for a short hike. Initially we were just going to hit up Bald Ledge, but with that only being a 1.6 mile total hike, and just over an hour's drive away, I decided to go back to Hamlin Park in Meredith and finish up the trails there from a couple weeks ago. The weather was completely opposite than what I experienced previously with another unseasonably warm day forecast for the 70s. We headed out on Crocketts Ledge Trail and I took Cameron up to Crocketts Ledge to see the view. Pretty much the only views we would have at Hamlin Park today. We then headed back to the short spur and over to the other branch of Crocketts Ledge Trail to finish up what I needed on that trail. A short steep down, which saw Cam decide to glissade down the leaves, since they were plentiful and somewhat slippery and we were back at the blue blazed Pond Loop Trail, I need to complete the loop including the 2 spurs. Without much to see along this route, it was just a pleasant walk in the woods without too much elevation change. The first spur was signed as a "Beaver Field" and the second also appeared to be some sort of beaver marsh. I'm guessing we were just viewing in the "off season" as there really wasn't much to see other than a clearing in the forest. We finished up the park in just under 4 miles. 20 minutes drive away is a hidden gem called Bald Ledge. I would have no idea about any of these trails/parks except for them being featured in the AMC South Trail Guide. Parking for Bald Ledge is at the Sky Pond Recreational Area, a small boat launch and pond at the end of the maintained portion of Sky Pond Road. Most of this hike was a road walk, first along the unmaintained section of Sky Pond Road and then onto a Class VI road, which has seen recent logging activity and is a wide, graded road at this time. I have seen previous reports that this road was overgrown and brushy, but not any longer while the logging is still taking place. With about 0.2 miles left, an actual trail leads off the road (which does continue straight ahead so look for the obvious sign where the trail begins) and into the woods. A quick walk and you reach an open ledge, that would be a wonderful place on a nice day to have a picnic lunch. Overlooking Lake Winona, there are views over to the Sandwich Range and the Belknap Range. Even on this grey, overcast day, the view was beautiful. I can only imagine on a sunny day or a peak foliage day it must  be quite stunning. A family arrived soon after us, so we didn't linger and headed back to the car. It began sprinkling just as we got back to the car, so we timed it perfectly. More check marks on my redlining spreadsheet for the AMC South. 

Strava Activity Hamlin Park

Kiosk at Hamlin Park

Crocketts Ledge

Cellar hole at one of the Blue/Yellow intersections 

Over to Sky Pond in New Hampton

Class VI road walk to start

Trail to the ledge

Bald Ledge towards the Sandwich Range

Bald Ledge towards the Belknap Range

Sky Pond

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