Saturday, May 14, 2022

Bear Brook - Pitch Pine & Camp Trail

 It was forecast to be a scorcher today. Plus I had a commitment I needed to be back for in the afternoon. Back to Bear Brook. I knew it would be sheltered most of the way and would hopefully help protect me from the sun a bit. Today I decided to finish off Pitch Pine, Camp and Broken Boulder Trails. I parked at the Hiker/Biker lot on Podunk Road. Today I picked up a new map from the toll booth office as well, which had me realize there are 3 additional short trails I will need, that I hadn't planned on, so instead of this being the second last hike, it will be my 3rd last. I started on Camp Trail and quickly turned onto Pitch Pine, retracing my steps from over the Winter. I was amazed at just how different it looks from season to season. I was also pleasantly surprised at the lack of bugs, which I was anticipating on a hot Spring day! I reached the Archery Pond and found a few early anglers settled in for the day. I continued on Pitch Pine grabbing the last section I needed on this trail, having been here and there over it several times. When I reached the Camp Trail intersection that is right near Lower Campground Road, I turned onto that. I needed the last mile on Camp Trail down to the campground. This trail is primarily used as a snowmobile trail, so it is nice and wide and gentle. The bugs however decided to come out and play on this section. I passed a few bikes and made good time to the campground, despite constantly swatting. I made use of the facilities and was thankful for running water to splash my face of the sweat/salt I had accumulated in the high 80 degree temps. The campground was buzzing (with campers and bugs), I walked through and down to peek at the pond before heading back. This time I decided to road walk back to my intersection with Pitch Pine, rather than go back on Camp Trail. Hoping to find less bugs (I didn't) but able to make better time on the smoother road surface. I turned left onto Pitch Pine and made it to Broken Boulder in much quicker time than my last visit that was an icy, slushy mess. I decided to go back to the Smith Pond Shelter to see if I could get a better look at the pond itself, but found it occupied with campers who had taken over the area with tents/hammocks etc, so I didn't disturb them and turned back. I finished the section I needed on Broken Boulder, headed back to the Archery Pond on Pitch Pine and road walked back to the car anxiously thinking about the air conditioning on my drive home. 

Strava Activity

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