Monday, May 30, 2022

Kidder, Great Brook, Morgan Hill Trails - New London Conservation Commission

 Knowing I have a busy Summer ahead, I am trying to take advantage of every opportunity I can to get out right now. I decided after yesterday to "take it easy" and opted for some of the trails on the New London Conservation Commission list. I parked at the end of Morgan Hill Road in the allotted area with the sign, being careful not to intrude on the private driveway alongside. I started on Kidder Trail, which was like night and day from yesterday. Smooth and cruisy with little elevation gain. Nothing to see, just a lovely wander through the woods. I came out on what some maps call Kidder Brook Trail, which I have heard from here down to the road is closed by the landowners. I took a right, this is a wide snowmobile trail and wasn't too overgrown at this point. I quickly came up on the SRKG entering from the left. This is part of Section 5. This section follows the snowmobile trail for about a mile. When I reached the turnoff back into the woods, I decided to stay on the snowmobile trail, which per the map was now called Morgan Pond Trail and follow for another mile to a turnoff for Morgan Pond. The trail stayed pretty flat until the turnoff to the pond, which descended a little. Arriving at the pond there was a lovely breeze and a sign indicating the pond was the water source for a couple of surrounding towns. It was a very pretty spot. I headed back to the SRKG turnoff, which headed back into the woods. One of the few people I saw all day, a trail runner, passed me along this section. A little ways in, the trail veered off to the right and became Great Brook Trail, which I had done the other end of a few weeks ago. Still have to complete the middle section. I was surprised to find a variety of terrain along this section. The trail followed Great Brook for the majority if it, and a couple of larger ponds could be seen through the trees. Aside from the bugs, a really pretty area. I was really surprised to find a giant cascade area, that was very mossy and like a big slide. The trail popped out in a cleared area with a gravel road running through the middle. I did get turned around a bit here. Heading straight across the road, Great Brook Trail continued, however I was looking for Morgan Hill trail. I started down the road to the right a bit, which ended at the woods, and eventually saw an orange blaze on a tree, but no signs or markings. This was Morgan Hill Trail. Again, nothing scenic, but a really lovely wander through the woods. I passed 2 ends of Dura Crockett Trail and had originally considered taking the Morgan Hill Loop Trail which passes over the summit of Morgan Hill, but my legs were done from yesterday and then a little more technical trail today than I had anticipated, so I left Morgan Hill Loop for another day and continued on to my car. The trail popped out on the driveway near the parking area. The highlight of the day was the views behind the houses on Morgan Hill Road. Across to Mount Kearsarge and Pleasant Lake, it was a really spectacular view. Lucky residents that get to see that day in and day out. I continue to be impressed with the trail maintenance on the NLCC trails. It's been fun exploring them. 

Strava Activity

the other end of Kidder Trail on the snowmobile trail

Snowmobile Trail also SRKG Section 5

Morgan Pond

Morgan Pond

Great Brook Trail crosses straight over, turn right for Morgan Hill Trail

Morgan Hill Trail entering the woods off gravel road

Morgan Hill trail sign at Dura Crockett Trail intersection

view from Morgan Hill Road

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